shinyFeedback 0.4.0 Unreleased

  • Using {fontawesome} package rather than shiny to bring in icons. Resolves breaking change introduced in {shiny} 0.1.7 where {shiny} switched from vendoring the icons to using the {fontawesome} package.
  • Added “subtitle” argument to valueMoxModule() to allow for dynamically setting the subtitle.
  • Updated pickerInput input binding name to “shinyWidgets.pickerInput” to reflect change in shinyWidgets.
  • Fixed resetLoadingButton() to work if loadingButton() does not exist in the initial app UI (#50) - Thanks @matthijsvanderloos!

shinyFeedback 0.3.0 2020-09-22

  • updated “.options” argument to showToast to use the shinyFeedback default options for any options not included in the list passed to “.options” (#46)
  • new function hideToast() to programmatically hide all toasts (#44)
  • simplified and deduped JavaScript (#42) - Thanks @jcheng5!
  • added input feedback support for shiny::fileInput() (#41)
  • updated “shinyWidgets.AirPickerInput” name to reflect the change to shinyWidgets
  • bug fix to maintain all input styles other than the border style applied by shinyFeedback when feedback is removed (#36)

shinyFeedback 0.2.0 2020-04-29

Breaking Changes:

  • removed *Snackbar() functions. Use the new showToast() function instead.

shinyFeedback 0.1.0 2018-08-20

  • added basic snackbar notifications
  • switched feedback to revert back to actual original label color rather than default Shiny label color when removing the feedback from the input.

shinyFeedback 0.0.4 2018-03-15

  • bug fix: feedbacks now properly tracked if the arguments to feeback*() are dynamic (#4)

shinyFeedback 0.0.3 2017-04-09

  • added checks that throw error if shiny input binding is not supported by shinyFeedback
  • displaying feedback based on shiny binding type rather than inferring binding type by DOM structure

shinyFeedback 0.0.2 2016-12-20

  • support for shiny::selectInput()
  • feedback messages are no longer displayed for non supported shiny::*Input()s
  • support for multiple feedbacks for a single shiny input
  • Font Awesome icons can now be used

shinyFeedback 0.0.1 2016-12-13

  • Initial release of shinyFeedback
  • feedback() function to conditionally display feedback along side a shiny input
  • feedbackWarning(), feedbackDanger(), and feedbackSuccess() functions that wrap the feedback() function with default arguments to display warning, danger, and success messages